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Recent Submissions
Research Data management: An Overview
(INFLIBNET Centre Gandhinagar, 2024) Madalli, Devika P.; Patel, Yatrik; Pradhan, Dinesh Ranjan; Vaghela, Divyakant; Pandya, Miteshkumar; Solanki, Hiteshkumar; Pradhan, Pallab
National Research Data Repository: An Overview
(INFLIBNET Centre Gandhinagar, 2024) Madalli, Devika P.; Patel, Yatrik; Pradhan, Dinesh Ranjan; Vaghela, Divyakant; Pandya, Miteshkumar; Solanki, Hiteshkumar; Pradhan, Pallab
Data Management Plan (DMP) and Data Access Policy
(INFLIBNET Centre Gandhinagar, 2024) Madalli, Devika P.; Patel, Yatrik; Pradhan, Dinesh Ranjan; Vaghela, Divyakant; Pandya, Miteshkumar; Solanki, Hiteshkumar; Pradhan, Pallab
An Analysis of Indigenous Knowledge Collection at Botanical Survey of India, Shillong
(INFLIBNET Centre Gandhinagar, 2024-09-19) Deka, Banasri; Das, Jitu; Das, Hemanta Kumar
Indigenous knowledge is the information gathered by indigenous communities within a particular area over many years. The study has been confined to the indigenous knowledge collection of the Botanical Survey of India, Shillong only. The main objective of BSI is to survey and document traditional knowledge (Ethno-botany) associated with plants. Most of the information is available in the form of books and project reports as well as research papers by BSI scientists. Apart from these sources one medicinal plant database is there with information of 1915 species, 1082 samples of Indian textile and 3000 samples of dye patterns in digitised form. They have collections on various fields like medicine, art & culture, local drinks, agriculture etc. Those resources are collected from different states of India across various tribes. Lack of awareness is the main problem faced by the organisation in collecting indigenous knowledge documents, but they are trying to create awareness by organising different programs.
Assessing the Implementation of FAIR and CARE Principles in Libraries of Assam
(2024-09-19) Chetia, Anupama; Hangshing, Jangkhohao
This study addresses the implementation of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and CARE (Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, Ethics) principles in managing the indigenous knowledge within libraries of Assam. Through review of literature and surveys using questionnaires, it assesses the current status of indigenous knowledge management in surveyed libraries. The study also appraises the integration of FAIR and CARE principles in Acquiring, Preserving, and Disseminating Indigenous Knowledge dataset. The findings from the study highlight the challenges faced by libraries such as limited access to knowledge, limitation of funding, lack of specific protocols/guidelines, and insufficiently trained staff to handle ethical and cultural concerns. The study also offers recommendations to enhance the implementation of FAIR and CARE principles for preserving and disseminating Indigenous knowledge effectively.