FreeE-JIS: A Prototype Co-operative Free E-journals Content Management and Access System
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Resource sharing is an age-old concept in the Library and Information profession, which is addressed by terms
such as co-operation, consortia, networking etc. Information explosion has made it difficult for libraries to
acquire all the required information resources, which are published. The change in information generation and
transmission has made us to move from print to electronic in terms of acquiring information resources and to
provide services. freeE-Journals Information Service (freeE-JIS) is a demonstration system, developed at NCSI
as an extension for E-journal Information Service (E-JIS) provided by the Centre in IISc. The prototype freeE-JIS
supports Co-operative E-journals Content Management System, where libraries willing to participate can share
their knowledge of free E-journals, available on the Internet. The software for freeE-JIS was developed on Linux
platform using Apache Web Server with MySQL database as the back end. With the additional features of login
and session management, it can be a valuable service for a group of library or information centers.
Free E-Journals, Content Management System, Co-operation, Cataloguing System, Web, Resource Sharing