Access to Scholarly Literature in Higher Education Institutions Under Inflibnet Consortium

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Inflibnet centre


The escalating price of electronic journals, Indexing and abstracting databases along with traditionally published print subscriptions has forced library community to explore alternative means of subscription. The consortia based subscription is perhaps a solution for subscription of peerreviewed journals. In India, during last five years we have witnessed many consortia based subscription, ranging from subject specific to institution specific. The advancement of Internet and telecommunication has made it possible to subscribe network based resources to the users. The paper describes about the initiative taken by INFLIBNET in this direction and highlights the importance of current trends of usage statistics of networked resources of various publishers. Further the authors describe the patterns of electronic journal usage by the members of UGC-Infonet Digital library consortium during the last three years.



Library Consortium, E-journals, COUNTER, Usage statistics Higher Education India, Library Networking, INFLIBNET, UGC –INFONET
