Eelectronic Resource Management : Emerging Key Issues

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Inflibnet centre


Emergence of electronic information has changed modes of communication, information demands of users and information management system in the libraries. Innovation in the field of information and communication technology is boosting research and development activities all around the world. Earlier libraries were facing various problems for managing print documents rescued by the electronic resources. The consortia initiatives are mushrooming in the world rapidly. UGC-Infonet: E-Journals Consortium launched by the University Grants Commission (UGC) through Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre is considered one of the best consortium models in the globe. The consortium is subscribing thousands of fulltext electronic journals and databases and making them available online to 120+ universities of the country. A notable usage of electronic resources has been observed in the first three years of operation of the consortium. But millions of articles downloaded by the member universities are not being re-managed for further use. Through this paper an attempt is made to lay emphasis on an urgent need to manage downloaded scholarly e-contents with the help of various e-documents management software (OSS) keeping in mind the copyright limitations.



Information Management, Electronic Resources, Information Searching, Open Source Software, Usage Statistics
