Use of INDEST and UGC-INFONET E-Journal Consortia: A Comparative Analysis
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Inflibnet center
The present study explains about INDEST-AICTE Consortium of MHRD and UGC-Infonet Consortium
of INFLIBNET, UGC. It examines use of consortium by users of IIT (D) and Delhi University. The
study was conducted on a sample of users of IIT (Delhi) and DU. A total number of 120
questionnaires were distributed among the users of IIT (D) and DU libraries, respectively, in the
month of December ‘2007’.50 filled in questionnaire were received from IIT (D) users and 50
from DU users. Out of 100 only 90 were chosen for analysis of data and 10 questionnaires were
rejected because of incomplete response from the respondents. The results have indicated that
majority of users are aware about INDEST and UGC-Infonet Consortia at IIT, Delhi and Delhi
University. Most of the users access e-journals and databases through INDEST and UGCInfonet
consortia. Slow downloading, lack of maintenance, lack of training, lack of infrastructure
and language etc. are the major problems that would discourage users for accessing resources
on INDEST and UGC-Infonet. At the end, some suggestions have been provided for enhancing
the use of resources available at INDEST and UGC-Infonet.
INDEST-AICTE, UGC-Infonet, e-Journals, Consortia, User Survey, IIT Delhi, Delhi University, INFLIBNET Centre