Status of ICT and Internet Literacy for Accessing to E-Resources Available under UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium : A Case Study
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The present study has been undertaken with a view to know the status of ICT and Internet Literacy
amongst the Assam University Library Users for accessing to E- Resources available under UGCINFONET
Digital Library consortium. The faculty, research scholars and students are mainly drawn
from different parts of North Eastern States and few from other parts of the country which represent
truly cosmopolitan population. The present work was carried out during July to August 2008. For
that purpose, survey method has been adopted, which comprises of administration of questionnaire,
observation of the participants, and interview of some of the participants for knowing the opinion
of the respondents in respect of usage of Internet for their day-to-day activities and status of access
to e-journals for their academic and research activities.
The self designed questionnaire comprising of 20 questions has been distributed amongst the
randomly selected 480 samples. out of which 324 respondents have responded. The present
investigation is delimited to the randomly selected population of Assam University Library Users
who are regularly visiting Assam University Library and using the Internet for accessing to the eresources
/ web resources available under the UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortia of
On the basis of filled up questionnaire received from the respondents, data has been analysed and
tabulated using SPSS Software. For data analysis percentage technique, has been adopted. Due to
paucity of space important results findings have been enumerated in brief.
The paper highlights the important survey findings in respect of ICT and Internet Literacy, Eresources
use pattern and attitude of library users towards the electronic resources, which have
been made available to them under UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium. Besides this,
some suggestions and recommendations have also been enumerated in brief.
ICT Literacy, Internet Literacy, E- Resources, UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre, North Eastern Region of India, AssamUniversity, Silchar