Technical Implementation of Shibboleth-based Access Management for the N-LIST Programme
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Scientific Publisher's India
Information and Library Network Centre, an Inter University Centre of University Grants Commission, acts as a gateway to scholarly content for Indian academic and research community. Centre also provides access to electronic resources to universities and colleges across India through its UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium and N-LIST Programme. INFLIBNET Centre is implementing state of the art, standard based open source technological solutions towards for extending access to e-resource to users irrespective of their physical location. Shibboleth is such standards-based, open source software system that facilitates single sign-on web-based access to electronic resources across or within organizational boundaries. This paper discusses advantages, customization and implementation of Shibboleth-based Access Management Solution for its multiple national award winner N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) programme.
Shibboleth, Access Management, Federation
Benchmarks in ICT Applications in LIS Practices : Essays in Honour of Dr. P.K. Gupta, Edited by M.S. Rana, D.C. Ojha and N.K. Swain, Scientific, 2011, xx, 408 p, ISBN : 8172337445, Price : $85.00