Highly Cited Paper from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India during 2001-14: A Scientometrics Analysis Case Study
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Over the past six decades the web of science database maintaining the core collections Science Citation
Index Expanded, and past three decades Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science and past one
and half decades SciLEO Citation Index, Journal citation reports. This research paper analyses the
results of a scientometric analytical case study of the research activities of highly cited papers from2001
to 2014. The study evaluates the growth of publications, citations, average citations per publication and
H- index of top scientists or researchers, at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India. Besides that
the paper presents a citation-based mapping of data on global scientific activities from Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru, India research publications using Web of Science Database. Using different
scientometric approaches, a continuous increase of both quantitative and qualitative parameters such
as h-index and Global Citation Scores.Researchers have published 20063 publications during the time
period 2001-2014 and cited at least 47 times by end of 2014 are analysed. Authors have been able to
place their papers in high impact journals such as Physics, Engineering, Chemistry,Materials Science,
Science &Technology, Computer Science, Biochemistry Molecular Biology,Mechanics,Mathematics,
Telecommunications, and Crystallography. The study reveals that the output of Indian Institute of
Science research Publications has greatly increased over period.
Web of Science, Scientometrics, Citation Map, Indian Institute of Science, Global Citation Scores, Highly Cited Paper