Impact of Smartphone Among Postgraduate Students of Manipur University: A Study

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INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar


The present study attempted to explore the use of smartphones by Postgraduate students of Manipur University. It is found that the majority of the respondents i.e 73.91% belong to female users and male students accounted for 26.08%, and 88.04% of the respondents belong to the age group of 21- 25. Android OS is the most used operating software among the respondents. In general, respondents use smartphones for messaging (93.47%), Internet Browsing (91.30%), Calling (Phone calls, Skype, Viber, and etc.) (84.78%), Checking social media accounts(82.60). The academic purposes of smartphones as revealed by students include, to download class materials (93.47%), joining Online classes(89.13%), reading (86.95%), Up/Download Learning Materials (82.60%), to interact with friends and faculty (78.26%), to prepare Assignments (73.91%), to login to the student portal (67.39%), to share academic websites and links (65.21%) etc. applications (Apps) commonly installed include Pdf reader (88.04%), followed by Dictionary apps (67.39%), in the mean time, Applications for learning activities account for only 8.69% and Online class softwares (google meet, zoom) account for only 2.17%.


13th International CALIBER-2022, BHU, Varanasi, UP, 17-19 November 2022


ICT Applications, Smartphones, Manipur University, Apps-Mobile
