Implementation of RFID Technology in Jayakar Library,
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This paper introduce the structure and application theorem of the RFID system, discuss
application models and issues when implement the RFID system. Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) systems have been used in libraries. These applications can lead to
significant savings in staff costs, enhance service, prevent book theft and easy to stock
verification, provide a constant update of library collections, holding management, but also
attain real-time services. Due to the issues about reliability, insufficient, interfere with noise,
cost and without killer application, therefore major library only experiment with RFID for
holding management. RFID provided with these characters of batch access, storage mass
data, and reprogram that were barcode cannot archive. Integrate both parent and holding
with functions of RFID to extend various application. Just replace barcode and magnetic
strip then archive there advantages for book identification, for the sorting and conveying of
library books and AV materials, not only realize precise. The most important issue is that
libraries can use nonproprietary systems today because the new generation of RFID chips
with the ISO standard 15693 is available.
RFID, University Library, Library Automation