E-resources and Collection Development: Emerging Issues for The Academic Libraries
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The academic libraries today are reorienting their collections and their
collection development policies in the light of e-resources. Not only are the
collections changing so are the role of librarians. The dual print and
electronic environment are posing a challenge to the librarians. How best
to balance the available budget between the two and in the process provide
easy access to relevant information to the users without any delay, is the
Mantra of Librarianship today. E-journals and e-books are here to stay. In
the light of this fact how to provide access, which are the best source, how
to index and catalogue them to provide quick access as well as training of
the staff for their new role are the various issues that have been discussed
in this article. But then each library needs to develop its own model for
collection development keeping in mind its users and their specific
E-resources, Collection development, E-books, E-journals, Consortium