Digital Collections: Preservation and Problems
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In educational and research institutions, the quantity of digital content created is huge, and libraries
at these institutions have a liability to bring this digital material under guardian control in order to
manage and preserve it over time. These all have presented challenges and problems to libraries
because of the need for special equipment to display items in these formats, obsolescence of this
equipment and/or the formats, and the need to preserve the information contained on sometimes
fragile storage media. Now the Libraries are working with the DSpace, Greenstone etc (opensource
digital repository platform) to explore the problem of capturing research and teaching
material in any digital format and preserving it over time. It is a daunting task with few confirmed
models, requiring new technology, policies, procedures, core staff competencies, and cost models
Problems are not ending; now burning problem is what we should be selected for Preservation for
future as this task is not trouble-free. Today the problem of harvesting material on the web and in
information centres for preservation and search is a major concern.
Digital Preservation, Digitisation