Journey of Information Retrieval to Information Retrieval Tools - IR&IRT A Review
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We can say that after thousands of year’s public have to realize and know the value of archiving and
finding the information. With the invention of computers, it becomes possible to store a large amount
of data and finding the useful information from them. Basically Information retrieval field’s was dawn
in year 1950. [1] Meaning of term Information retrieval can be a very wide. Information Retrieval is
one kind of activity that main goal is to obtaining the data resources according to the information
needed from a collection of information resources. In this kind of activity search is mainly based on
the full text or metadata and other content based indexing. [2] Information Retrieval is mainly used
for searching some particular result from the large amount of data. Best example of the information
retrieval is searching a strings in particular web search engine. In this paper we first of all describe
the Information retrieval &its process cycle after that different model of IR and in next phase of this
paper we describe the three different Information Retrieval Tools and comparative study of that tool
Database Systems, Information Retrieval, Information Retrieval Model, Information Retrieval Process Cycle, Information Retrieval System, Information Retrieval Tools, Solr, Terrier, Lucene