Library Professionals’ Scholarly Communications over Online Forum: Content Analysis of New Millennium LIS Professionals (NMLIS)
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The paper deals with the content analysis of scholarly communications posted over online forum
NMLIS by library professionals. The paper discusses about online communications of LIS professionals
through online discussion forums like NMLIS and in relation to that reviewed available literature.
One year’s scholarly communications of NMLIS have been taken in consideration with numbers
of related objectives. Data collection and analysis has been done through online survey and observation
methods. Eight categories have been identified for groupings of 2403 scholarly communications.
The main focus of scholarly communications has been observed; most prolific contributors of
every month have been identified from the group communications; extent of file attachments and
numbers of files has been calculated and categorized according to their file types; and finally top
most contributors of job related information and library specific information have been identified by
number of postings and frequency of postings by contributors. Findings and conclusions have been
drawn on the basis of analysis of the collected data at the end.
Scholarly Communication, Online Forum, Library Professionals, Content Analysis, NMLIS, Yahoo Group