Citation Linking of Journal Articles In Knowledgeportals With Refernce to ACM E-Journal Portal
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The most innovative online journals are maturing rapidly and distinctive new Knowledge Portals
are emerging day by day. Foremost among the features of the portals is the hypertext link,
popularized by the World Wide Web and which will form the basis of a new, highly integrated
scholarly literature. Journal integration in this instance seeks to recognize, extend and exploit
relationships at the level of journal content–the papers–while maintaining some of the familiar
contexts. Links are a powerful tool for journal integration, most immediately in the form of citation
linking. The paper defines what knowledge portals are and describes a new system, a link
service, which is being developed to support novel and flexible linking mechanisms on the Web.
The main aims and objectives of the study and the definitions of citation linking of journal articles
and the importance of the citation linking are also discussed in this article with reference to the
e-journal Knowledge portal of ACM. The methodology used in the JACM to link the citations is
explained with figures.