Medhi, Mayuri2010-04-282010-04-282010-02-18978-81-902079-9-7 the present knowledge or information society, whatever we may call it, is dominated by the largest global network offered by Internet technology. Networking is the pre-requisite of the present society to be member of it. Therefore, to become the member of the library, network has become essential without any scope for any option or alternatives. Inadequacy of resources of even biggest library of the world is the main feature of any library or resource center. Therefore, augmentation of resources at the minimum cost is the aim not only by adding own resources but use resources of other libraries. The present professional challenge is that resources may not be available in own collection, but are to be made accessible wherever these are available. As such dependence on external resources is increasing day by day. We have to borrow what we don’t have or develop a common repository by collective efforts, which requires not only willingness to begin the process but mission to achieve the objectives. Keeping in view the above points in mind this paper briefly discuss about the need of the Guwahati academic library network and objectives of networking among the academic libraries in the Guwahati city. Further it enumerates issues involved in establishing such network, point out the constraints and finally the suggestion for the success of such networks.enAcademic LibraryInformation Communication Technology (ICT)Library AutomationLibrary NetworkingNetworking of Academic Libraries in Guwahati: A StudyArticle