Pati, Bharati2019-12-142019-12-142019-119789381232095 International CALIBER-2019, KIIT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 28-30 November, 2019Being accountable for the precise and timely deliverance of information services, one vital aspect, i.e. ‘Marketing’ couldn’t be disregarded in the academic library environment. Although belonging to a completely service oriented diligence, the promotion of the library products and spreading awareness on optimum usage of the collection would definitely be advantageous for the institution in general and the user community in particular. Through the present study, the authors have tried to figure out the challenges and possibilities of marketing of library resources through liaison programs.enEmbedded LibrarianshipInformation ServicesLiaison ProgramsMarketing of Library ResourcesMarketing of Library and Information Services through Liaison Programmes in Academic Environment: Prominence and PossibilitiesBook chapter