Meitei, L. ShantaDevi, Th. Purnima2005-01-112010-04-082005-01-112010-04-082004-1181-900825-8-2 attempt has been made to study the IT awareness of the user community in the State of Manipur. The paper highlights the information needs and dependence of information on Community Information Centres (CIC) are analysed. The conclusion focuses on the considerable work and effort needed for imparting computer literacy, information literacy for preparing and powering the masses for the construction of knowledge based society. Further, according to the requirements of the user community, content preparation is necessary and it has been suggested that, the information available on internet may update on a frequent basis usually in local language for the benefit of local communities.87516 bytesapplication/pdfenRural informationContent preparationContent transmissionComputer literacyInformation literacyUser Needs : A Case Study of Community Information Centres of Manipur StateArticle