Rana, Madan Singh2015-03-112015-03-112015-03-12978-93-81232-05-7http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1844The purpose of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the citation behavior and use pattern of computer scientists/researchers. The study revealsmany important indicators pertaining to computer science literature relating to citation behavior of computer science research. Firstly, almost all the bibliographic document types were referred by the authors, however, the primary research literature i.e. journals and conference proceedingswere dominatedmost. Likemost of the scientific disciplines, the citationswere scattered among core journals and core authors and have been contributingmainly in development of the subject, being the high quality sources. The citing literature ‘half-life’ indicates the dominance of current citations/literature.en-USComputer ScienceCitation AnalysisScientometricsCitation Analysis of Computer Science LiteratureArticle