Shivarama, JDawar, Vaishali A2017-08-082017-08-082017-08978-93-81232-07-1 the process of library automation, making digital resources available through library website and during communication with users, there are always chances of information security breaches. Many times, the libraries may need to pay very high price and face uneasy consequences for such incidences. This article tries to create awareness among librarians about the complex process of information security management through overview of various such models. The second part of the paper contributes comparative studies on attributes considered in the selected models. Also, comparative study of attributes in each model with Security Controls Sections in Information Security Standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and with functions of management ‘POSDCORB’ by Gulik and Urwik.enAcademic LibrariesDigital Information SecurityDigital LibraryInformation SecurityInformation Security Management ProcessInformation Security ModelsDesign and Development of Dynamic Information Security Management Models for Sustainable Academic LibrariesArticle