Upadhyay, NavinChakraborty, Hirak Kanti2010-05-192010-05-192008-02-28978-81-902079-6-6http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1316Remote access to online catalogues and bibliographic data bases has altered library use patterns over the past decade. Library statistics shows fewer patrons entering the library as more resources become available online and patrons given access from their desktops. This paper descries the use of online journals and databases and their awareness among researchers of IT-BHU. In this case study, a survey was conducted using questionnaire, to collect the data. This paper examines the researcher’s awareness and use of online journals and databases available through UGCinfonet, INDEST and university library. Finally, it highlights the suggestions given by the user’s for improvement of online resources.enE-resourcesUGC-InfonetUsage StudyOnline Journals and Databases: A Study of Use and Awareness among Academics at Main Library, I.T., B.H.U.Article