Yadav, Radheshyam T2004-08-022010-04-082004-08-022010-04-082003-02http://hdl.handle.net/1944/238This is only an AbstractInformation Technology has revolutionized the information handling activities in research and academic libraries in the country. During the past decade or so, use of information technology has been gaining a lot of attention and importance due to the encouragement give by the government of India, university authorities and state governments. We find application of IT in every sphere of work and several government departments have started e-governance cells to reach out to the public to offer their services. Under these circumstances librarians cannot lag behind. This paper gives some useful information to help academic librarians to start automation of their services in a simple way.4855 bytesapplication/pdfenLibrary AutomationAcademic LibrariesInformation TechnologyLibrary Automation in Academic Libraries: Problems and ProspectsArticle