Parihar, VinodSharma, DikshaSingh, Pramod KumarSharma, Diksha2022-11-242022-11-242022-119789381232101 International CALIBER-2022, BHU, Varanasi, UP, 17-19 November 2022There are many trends in the library system, such as, Internet of Things; Electronic resource management; cloud computing; federated search, and many others as well. However, the present research focuses on an academic integrity and plagiarism as the current trend in the system of library science. This research discusses the concept of plagiarism: it adopts the approaches of acknowledging, referencing, paraphrasing, and checking plagiarism by using particular software, such as, Ouriginal; Turnitin; and others. Avoiding plagiarism and acknowledging a piece of text leads a researcher towards realizing the academic integrity. This paper also discusses the significance of the academic integrity in the academic pursuits of a researcher; it also suggests the various ways of establishing the research ethics and integrity in the culture of research.en-USAcademic IntegrityResearch IntegrityPlagiarismCurrent TrendsParaphrasingReferencingCurrent Trend in the Library System: Academic Integrity and PlagiarismArticle