Pandey, Shri RamSingh, Pankaj Kumar2011-03-072011-03-072011-03-02978-93-81232-00-2 Source movement has tremendously influenced Information industry in general and digital libraries in particular. Many of the open source digital library software available on the World Wide Web are developed based on highly sophisticated programming language, which needs in depth knowledge and guidance for installing, implementing, customizing and integrating with other open source software. They generally do not cater to the needs of beginners who want to develop software in open source environment. Present paper is an attempt to enable Integrated Library Automation Software (ILAP) Koha, as a digital library especially koha version 3 in the view that koha can support digital library functionality.enDigital LibraryKOHADigital Library SoftwareEnabling ILAP as Digital Library Software: A case study with KOHAArticle