Kumar, AshokJ, ShivaramaChoukimath, Puttaraj A2015-03-112015-03-112015-03-12978-93-81232-05-7http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1855Measurement of scientific productivity has been regarded as main indicator of ascertaining impact of research over scientific community. To showcase the impact of research using science mapping and visualisation, social network analysis has been developed over the period of time. These methods help researchers to understand the structural, temporal and dynamic development of a discipline. The present paper provides a comprehensive overview of widely used softwares used for scientometric analysis,mapping and visualisation.en-USScientometricsData AnalysisData MappingVisualisation SoftwaresCitation DatbasesPopular Scientometric Analysis, Mapping and Visualisation Softwares: An OverviewArticle