Kumar, B T SampathPrithvi raj, K RNaik, A SadashivReddy, Raghavendra2010-05-122010-05-122009-02-25978-81-902079-8-0http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1023Academic libraries have to provide very flexible services focused more on individualized and distant contact with their clients. To answer new demands they not only have to move their services and resources to the Web but also should consider the different cultural and educational backgrounds of library users. In this context this article tries to analyze and compare the contents and usability of six Indian Institute Management library Web sites and presents conclusions regarding the basic functions they perform. Library Web sites were evaluated according to a detailed checklist prepared specially for this purpose.enLibrary Web SiteContent AnalysisContent Analysis of Indian Institute of Management Library Websites: AnAnalytical StudyArticle