Bobby, PhuritsabamMemori, SagolsemPurnima, DeviDevi, Naorem Mandakini2012-04-202012-04-202012-03-03978-93-81232-02-6 present study identifies the various Research works, achievement and contributed of the faculty members of School of Human and Environmental Sciences. This work is to harvest the role of different faculties o the Human an Environmental sciences in bringing globalization by using different types of research in interdisciplinary with art, culture and social sciences. It also help to know that they are implementing new educational policing for enhancing the spirit of learning in which both efforts and imagination play a vital role. Department of Earth Science has highest numbers of Research activities and followed by Department of Geography, Department of Anthropology and Department of Physical Education & Sport SciencesenManipur UniversityResearch OutputResearch Output by the Faculties of School of Human and Environmental Sciences, Manipur University: A StudyArticle