Beena, CPadmakumar, P K2010-04-302010-04-302010-02-18978-81-902079-9-7 mobilization or generation is one of the global challenges in all sectors such as business, agriculture, banking, industry etc. In recent years, higher education has undergone important changes including the shift from teacher centered to a student centered learning, and the replacement of the traditional practice of learning over a specified period of time by the concept of lifelong learning. Higher education also is facing the new challenges of Information resource mobilization and management. The advancement of Information and communication technology (ICT) and multimedia applications has resulted in a lot of change in education like classroom teaching, e-learning, scholarly communication, online resources etc. In the current scenario of higher education, institutional repositories play a major role in collective resource mobilization and resource sharing across the nation and over the globe. This paper explains how scientific community and academia in Cochin University of Science & Technology contribute for resource mobilization through the institutional repository and how it is beneficial to the institution as well as the academic community.enResource Mobilizatione- LearningInstitutional RepositoriesScholarly CommunicationWeb 2.0Role of IR in Information Resource Mobilization and Management in the Current Scenario of Higher Education: A Case Study of Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT)Article