Gandhe, Charudatta Achyut2011-03-102011-03-102011-03-02978-93-81232-01-9 the present information society, the world is changing into global village, classrooms are changing into virtual class rooms and libraries are changing to information centers. Students are more technology oriented and so the whole teaching-learning process. The students are expected to learn beyond the syllabus and teachers should play a role of facilitator. This is due to advent of information and communication technology. Every aspect of education is changed. e-learning, e-resources, etc. are the common words. Everyone in the education system is depend upon the information. As a result of it, we are facing new challenges like information overload, information poverty, etc. To face this challenges the librarians and educationist must think collaboratively to impart information literacy among the students so as to survive in this information age. The teachers should be information literate so that they can implement the information literacy programme in their schools. But there is a need to impart the information literacy skills among the teachers during their pre service teacher education. This paper tries to suggest a model and a draft programme with teaching and learning techniques which will be suitable to impart information literacy skills among the teachers during their pre-service teacher education in India. And it demands collaborative efforts of librarians, teachers, educators, educationists and policy makers.enInformation LiteracyPre service Teacher EducationInformation Literacy Model.Information Literacy for Teacher EducationArticle