Goswami, Pallab KrChoudhury, Nisangka2014-09-242014-09-242014-09-25978-93-81232-04-0http://hdl.handle.net/1944/18169th Convention PLANNER-2014, Dibrugarh University, Assam, September 25-27, 2014The development of technologies, particularly internet technologies has changed the way of the individuals to obtain information. The emerging of new programming languages for the web has promised new transformation for more dynamic web applications. A collaboration tools will give its users the free choice to collaborate with each other in various form in a virtual community. Easily accessible and user-friendly collaboration tools will allow exploring, sharing, engaging, and connecting with people and content in meaningful ways that help them to learn and share knowledge. The purpose of this is to study the concept and impact of collaboration tools use and perception among the academic librarians especially to the university libraries of North Eastern region based on their personality characteristics, computer skill, Internet facilities and usage purposes.enCollaboration ToolsWeb 2.0Library 2.0University Library of NE RegionWikis, FacebookLIS LinksBlogRSS FeedsMashupsCollaboration Tools and Its Relevance in Library ServicesArticle