Parabhoi, LambodaraSingh, Rupinder2016-11-232016-11-232016-119789381232064 Convention PLANNER-2016, North-Eastern Hill University Shillong, Meghalaya, November 09-11, 2016This paper highlights and discuss about digitization process, digital preservation which is an ongoing process at Indian Institute of Advanced Study Library, Shimla. The IIAS Library has been digitizing IIAS Monographs, Rare books and Images and also it is discussed the methods and equipment’sare being used in digitization process. The details volumes of woks and the tools and techniques has used. The paper also discussed objectives of digitization, technical issues, faults have found in digitization process.enDigitizationIndian Institute of Advanced StudyPreservationDigital LibraryDigitization of Monographs, Rare Books at Indian Institute of Advanced Study Shimla: A Case StudyArticle