Shivalingaiah, DNaik, Umesha2011-03-072011-03-072011-03-02978-93-81232-00-2. communities of practice may use a specific tag on social bookmarking sites that enable resources to be “advertised” within that community. Considered a better alternative to submitting a website on blogs, manual social bookmarking is a simple, convenient and hassle free way of making sure that our site is noticed and marketed in the right circle. Web 2.0 technologies will promote and enable fundamental changes on intranets. Social software, such as blogs, wikis, tagging systems and collaborative filters, treats the group as a first class object within the system. The paper focus on to explore some of the important social tagging, social bookmarks, and social network related tools and services.enSocial BookmarkingSocial Tagging,Social Networking,Social SoftwareWeb 2.0,Web ApplicationsSocial Networking Tools: Social Bookmarking and Social TaggingArticle