Devi, Thiyam SatyabatiMurthy, T.A.V.2010-05-202010-05-202005-10-1081-902079-2-X consortia for purchasing electronic journals became recognized as a vital part of academic information infrastructure at the research community. The biggest challenge that newcomers to the consortium world face is grasping the fact that standard setting is about giving away rights in technology. Leading institutions in North America and Western Europe take a variety of positive measures to promote consortium activities and formed unique consortia of many kinds. On the other hand, a consortium in India is still in a developing stage and struggle to solve problems they face. The factors that have led to the development of consortia are diverse among countries. This paper describes definitions, aim, organizations, internal structures, policies and other characteristics of the UGC-Infonet E-Journal Consortium which is one of the well known consortia for Higher Education in India under the UGC. It will also highlight the characteristics and issues faced by the consortia and the measures taken up to promote consortium activities.enLibrary ConsortiaUGC-InfoneE-journalIssues in UGC-Infonet E-Journal ConsortiumArticle