Saha, Nimai ChandDe, SumanPaul, Nirmalendu2010-05-172010-05-172008-11-06978-81-902079-7-3 paper contains the substantial implication of the changing web as “web 2.0” for libraries and recognizes that while these implications keep very close to the history and mission of libraries. It describes the theory and definition to the practices of librarianship, specially addressing how RSS feed (popular tool of Web 2.0 technologies) might make changes in libraries provide access to their collection and user support for accessing the same. RSS aggregator applications installed in a library system, and coupled with the social network of the library, will enable users to have a single, customized personal library page that syndicates all the library content of interest to them and their research, elimination of irrelevant information. It also highlights the Download and installation of RSS reader software along with the activation process. Lastly, it provides the list of resources (both software & services) and libraries using these tools.enAggregatorsAtomDataPortabilityRSSList of feed aggregatorsPodcastingSyndicationWeb FeedApplication Of Web 2.0 In Library And Information Science: With Special Reference to RSSArticle