Borang, KalingSarma, Gautam Kumar2010-05-182010-05-182008-02-28978-81-902079-6-6 Paper is based on a survey of application of Information and Communication Technology in two major Academic Institution Libraries of Arunachal Pradesh i.e., Rajiv Gandhi Central University Library and NERIST (North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology) Library. Here the discussion is done on the status of library automation, different software packages used for automation, OPAC, use of e-resources and the extent of their use in library operations of these two libraries. This paper also throws light on the problems and difficulties being faced by the library authority in applying ICT in the libraries.enInformation and Communication Technology (ICT)Information Technology (IT)Application of ICT in Two Major Academic Institution Libraries in Arunachal Pradesh: A SurveyArticle