Majumder, Apurba JyotiDeka, DipenBose, SharmilaSarma, Gautam kumarGoswami, Kukila2010-05-172010-05-172008-11-06978-81-902079-7-3 paper is based on the survey of the users of the Laksminath Bezbaroa (LNB) Library of the Dibrugarh University about the access of the e-resources available in the library. The different types of available in the e-rosources under the UGC-INFONET in the Laksminath Bezbaroa (LNB) Library of the Dibrugarh University, the reasons behind the use of e-resources in the UGC-INFONET, the subjectwise use of the e-resources, and the problems in using the resources are discussed.enE-resourcesUGC-INFONETLNB LibraryAccess of E-resources By The Users Of LNB Library With Special Reference to UGC-Infonet: An Evaluative SurveyArticle