Mishra, Vinod Kumar2015-03-112015-03-112015-03-12978-93-81232-05-7http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1858Present case study attempts to find the relevance of bibliometrics in withdrawing the ranking/reputation of the Institutes. We attempt to compare the ranking assigned by the various international and national bodies and the ranking withdrawn on the basis of bibliometrics and its various components like h-index, total citations, publications per faculty etc. from Scopus database. Study attempt to draw the conclusion wither the bibliometrics could be relevant/appropriate or not in withdrawing the ranking/reputation of the institutes. Various data of Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) and National Institute of Technology (NIT) has been collected for the above study as these institutes are of Indian National Importance and globally recognized and the ranking given by various internationally/Nationally acclaimed institutes.en-USBibliometricsCitation AnalysisScopush-indexRankingResearch EvaluationRelevance of Bibliometric Study in Ranking/Performance of the Institutes:A Case StudyArticle