Sahu, Hemant Kumar2010-05-282010-05-282005-02-0281-902079-0-3 is an enormous range of available information in the world. In electronic environment many libraries have created a presence on the Web, but have we really thought about why we want to be there? Should library Web sites be grounded in the past or look forward to the future, or both? This paper has tried to focus on various issues related to the object and importance of the library homepage, how to create, what is requirement etc for library homepage. The role of the library is to select, acquire, organize and make available an appropriate subset of this information. Proving electronic information to its users has become a common feature of many special libraries through their homepages. A case study of IUCAA library’s homepage is presented. It discusses how IUCAA Library has taken challenges of the new emerging technologies and increasing demands of its users by adopting electronic information sources and services and how it generates value added electronic information for its users. This paper also describes the important electronic sources in astronomy & astrophysics, which is used in IUCAA library.enLibrary ServicesLibrary HomepagePortalRole of the Library Homepage as a New Platform for Library Services: A Case StudyArticle