Vasishta, SeemaDhingra, Nav JyotiDhanda, Maninder Kaur2015-03-122015-03-122015-03-12978-93-81232-05-7 is an act of fraud, involving both stealing someone else's idea and lying about it afterward. Plagiarism has emerged as one of the most troublesome issues bothering academia. Plagiarism detection tools are beneficial for the academic community to identify plagiarism and avoid such illegitimate activity. The availability of electronic forms of umpteen documents on the Internet has made it easier to plagiarize than ever before. Detecting plagiarism is of much importance as it can help in keeping the academic integrity and giving due credit to the original author. The present paper defines plagiarism and highlights its impact on academia. This paper also describes some of the plagiarism detection tools available for plagiarism checking and steps taken by the PEC University of Technology against plagiarism.en-USPlagiarismPlagiarism Detection ToolsTurnitinPEC University of TechnologyDeterring Plagiarism: A Study of Steps Taken By PEC University of Technology, ChandigarhArticle