Gonsai, Atul MSheth, N R2010-05-142010-05-142008-11-06978-81-902079-7-3http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1138This paper outlines wireless network infrastructure establishment in an outdoor environment and provides experimental methodology and planning test site for an infrastructure mode of IEEE 802.11b/g wireless LAN, using a various types of wireless devices. The paper is also giving in-depth data for real implementation of wireless network. This paper focuses on various benefits of the wireless outdoor network, access point and its use. The paper also gives proper attention for new wireless network establisher to calculate link budget and Fresnel Zone for implanting outdoor IEEE 802.11b/g wireless outdoor network.enWireless networkaccess pointFresnel Zonelink budgetFade MarginIEEE 802Implementing IEEE 802.11b/g wireless Local Area Networks: Planning and OperationsArticle