Pattanaik, Bibhuti BhusanPattanaik, Babita2010-05-192010-05-192008-02-28978-81-902079-6-6 the past two decades, internet has evolved with many new techniques and tools such as Email list, Bulletin board, Listserves, Usenet, IRC, Wikis and Blog. These have been becoming an important part of virtual community and contribute to human life in various aspects like social, educational, political and business. In this web-world, probably weblog (so called blog), has become the newest communication medium that publish “what’s new” page online. In other sense, it is a supplement web page as well as a referring tool to promote its regular web-site, by refreshing and updating news. Blog may indeed be a greater milestone in the history of publishing. In this article, author have stressed fundamentally on blogs and their global proliferation and implementation for libraries. Also the solid motive behind the title entitled “A journey from weblog to library blog” is to indicate the role of weblog and how it would helpful to library in all means for creating a social network among e-library environment.enBlogLibrary blogRSSAggregatorHeadline SyndicationContent DevelopmentA Journey From Weblog to Library BlogArticle