S, Jadhav VandanaS, Khaparde VaishaliM, Shelke Santosh2011-03-102011-03-102011-03-02978-93-81232-01-9http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1655Citation analysis of all the journal articles published in the journal ‘University News’ from January 2004 to December 2008 is carried out in 5 volume and 261 issues in its 1949. The citations taken for the study are 5968. The maximum number of citations were referred in 2007 to 2008 that is 2950 (50.6%), the most cited type of document is book 1549 (26.39%), the maximum number of citations were from India that is 3675 (62.61%), in authorship pattern single author citations are dominant that others that is 3011 (51.30%).enCitation Analysis,BibliometricsP-citation (Printed citation)E-citation (Electronic citation).Citation Analysis Of University News JournalArticle