N K, SheejaMathew K, Susan2014-09-242014-09-242014-09-25978-93-81232-04-0http://hdl.handle.net/1944/18109th Convention PLANNER-2014 Dibrugarh University, Assam, September 25-27, 2014The study aims to analyse the research productivity of Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) during 2009-2013 on the basis of data from Web of Science (ISI). The most prolific authors of CUSAT community, the preferences of source titles for communication of research publications and citation status of CUSAT scholars are identified. The study found that even though the productivity pattern is not steady, there is 3.7 per cent increase shown from 2009 to 2013. The study also found that CUSAT research community prefers foreign journals rather than Indian journals to communicate their research findings.enResearch PproductivityPublication TrendsAuthorship PatternCUSATTrends in Research Productivity: An Analysis of the Research Publications of Cochin University of Science and TechnologyArticle