Ramana, Y .V.2010-05-172010-05-172006-02-0281-902079-1-1http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1182This paper presents the status regarding the use of Electronic Resources by the post graduate students and Research scholars of VIT. The data reveals the extent of usefulness and the problems faced by the users in accessing the Electronic resources. The institute is providing online databases, online journals, distance education, CD & DVD ROM, Audio & Video cassettes etc. The use of these facilities is not satisfactory. The study shows that a majority of students use online journals for preparing project reports and for listing references only. The use of electronic resources for research purpose is very less. Measures should be taken to improve the use of electronic services.enAssessment of E-ResourcesResearch ScholarsOnline JournalsInternet UsageDistance EducationAssessment of Electronic Services by Post Graduate Students & Research Scholars of Vellore Institute of Technology.Article