Singh, Jagtar2004-07-292010-04-082004-07-292010-04-082001-03 library budgets, growing user expectations, technological innovations, and the globaization of information have forced the library and information (LI) professionals to share their precious resources via networks. As a response to these developments, there is a transition from stand alone libraries to library and information networks, infomediaries to infoliterate end-users, and print-based publications to digital documents. The professional competencies are falling short in managing access to the web-based digital documents. In this context, an effort has been made in this paper to raise a few pertinent issues and discuss the implications of the web-based digital documents for the LI profession.16349 bytesapplication/pdfenDigital ResourcesManagementTechnologyResource SharingMANAGING ACCESS TO THE WEB-BASED DIGITAL RESOURCES: ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONSArticle