Mishra, Rajesh Kumar2004-07-292010-04-082004-07-292010-04-082001-03http://hdl.handle.net/1944/122This is only an AbstractIn present scenario, the Internet resources have become indispensable part of library and information services. Identification, selection and cataloguing of the Internet resources, is a big question of the time. Keeping this fact in mind, it is tried to analyze the characteristics and idiosyncrasies of Internet resources, from the cataloguing point of view. Further more, the emerging format for cataloguing of Internet resources “Dublin Core Metadata Element Set” is discussed in details.4886 bytesapplication/pdfenCataloguingDublin CoreMetadataInternet ResourcesIN SEARCH OF CATALOGUING FORMAT FOR INTERNET RESOURCES: THE DUBLIN CORE INITIATIVEArticle