Kumar, AbhishekTiwari, SanjayPallavi2019-12-162019-12-162019-119789381232095http://ir.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/1944/2342The present study reports about the usage of audiovisual resources available under Vidya-Mitra, An integrated e-Content Portal. Vidya-mitra facilitates to host all the content and provides searchbrowse facility for all hosted content wherein a learner can easily access the desired material including audio/video learning material, textual material, multimedia enriched materials etc., through a single interface. Resource analysis has been done in different area such as collections, viewership of content, subscribers, outreach in terms of geographical region, gender etc.en-USE-LearningLearning AnalyticsNME-ICTNPTELVidya-MitraYouTubeCase Study on Vidya-Mitra (e-Learning MHRD Initiative): A Quantitative Analysis on Multimedia Content (Video)Book chapter