Deka, DipenMazumdar, Nirmal RanjanSingh, Sanjay Kumar2019-12-142019-12-142019-119789381232095 International CALIBER-2019, KIIT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 28-30 November, 2019The objective of this study is to look into the process of quality assurance of Library and Information Science (LIS) Education in India. Review of literature is done on the library and information science education globally to collect information on LIS education and its quality assurance. The study finds that apart from of few agencies like ALA in USA and CILIP in UK there is no agency or body at national and international level for quality assurance of LIS education. The study is limited to quality assurance of LIS education in India only. This paper enlightens about the quality assurance in LIS education in India. The main issues of quality assurance and the challenges are highlighted in this paper.enLibrary and Information ScienceLIS CurriculumLIS EducationQuality AssuranceQuality Assurance in Library and Information Science Education in India: Issues and ChallengesBook chapter