Hosamani, H GRabari, Lagdhir2004-07-232010-04-082004-07-232010-04-082002-02http://hdl.handle.net/1944/53Information technology has changed the way information is stored, retrieved and disseminated. The Internet, particularly WWW, as a new medium of information storage and delivery, represents a revolution, which would have a lasting impact on the publishing and information delivery system in the 21 st century. The publication of electronic journals has further brought significant changes in the global information process and reduces total dependent on the print journals. This article briefly describes the Guidelines for selecting electronic journals. Broad guidelines for selecting E-journals are described in the areas related to contents, Pricing ,reliability and accessibility of licence agreement etc. in conclusion authors have given a set of issues which a subscriber may consider before selecting a suitable options.21500 bytesapplication/pdfenE-Journals,Selection AcquisitionInternetInformation TechnologyGuidlines for selecting E-Journal TitlesArticle