Ojedokun, Ayoku A2004-07-302010-04-082004-07-302010-04-082003-02http://hdl.handle.net/1944/203The loss of monopoly status, the rapid growth in the quantity of information, and the fact that information can now be digitized and delivered electronically necessitates that libraries combine their efforts in providing a range of new services through cooperative electronic networks. This is with a view to remaining relevant in spite of the serious reduction in funding coupled with increasing costs of resources. This paper, through a review of literature and visits to websites, identifies five well-established cooperative electronic networks in Southern Africa. The paper discusses their areas of cooperation and reports benefits to member institutions. The paper concludes that cooperative utilization of electronic networks is the most practical approach to providing seamless access to electronic information resources by academic libraries in the digital age. However, Internet connectivity and donor support are essential, for such consortia to be sustainable.25328 bytesapplication/pdfenLibrary consortiumLibrary cooperationCooperative electronic networksAcademic librariesSouthern Africa.Cooperative Electronic Networks of Academic Libraries in Southern AfricaArticle